Buffy visits me at night.
We, uhhh, get acquainted and then she goes back to her apartment that she shares with her group.
Even though they have been brought into the group officially we aren't sure how everyone will react. Charlie has locked herself in a apartment apart from her parents. Elliott is often seen breaking in through an unlocked window because Charlie refuses to unlock the door.
Surprisingly enough Davis doesn't hold a visible grudge towards me about his daughter. He doesn't even talk about her unless asked. We always ask. Krista is making bets for cigarettes saying that Charlie will kill herself. Elliott assures us that her sister is just in mourning and will be back in the group functioning in no time. Until then I have picked up some of Charlie's chores to show no hard feelings. I even tried to visit her but she just stayed in there, silent.
Kroger is starting a garden. Benny had a small one but Kroger has green thumbs. Both hands. In the short time he's been here he has made the squash flourish and every leaf on every plant seems happier. Kroger even talks with Benny and his kids. He doesn't talk too much to anyone else though. Buffy says he just is picky about who he warms up to but not to take it personally. Kroger doesn't speak to her either but he is kind in his silence, anyway.
We are pretty sure that Davis and Krista have hooked up too. Even though Krista is my age and Davis is easily in his fifties, she isn't being covert about it. Lilly just ignores it. Amongst Buffy's group they think that Lilly will join as a sister wife with Benny's crew.
The heat comes and goes, the abundance of rain has kept the shambling idiots at bay. No one has ventured outside the gate in awhile. We have started a paper inventory of what we have in stock so we can plan on a scavenge mission before we get too low on anything. There are enough of us now that we only have one overnight of watch a week on a rotating schedule. We have scheduled voluntary training Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. We rotate who runs it but mainly it's Davis with his military training.
Awhile ago Benny found a rather old metal push mower that doesn't need gas or electricity. I have found a new love for cutting the grass. It's such a workout! My shoulders have gotten brown from the sun. Buffy likes to count my freckles.
It's so strange that we are becoming so comfortable in our living situation. Even Imogen is allowed out of the apartment and so far her cries have only attracted a few manageable zombies to the gate. We stab them in the eye socket with a rather large knife with little effort. It seems like the only time we get out of the gate is to collect the bodies and burn them in the pool.
I can almost relax. I get nightmares. We all get nightmares. But I think I can manage. The only thing I take seriously is myself and my safety.... everything else is a wash.
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