Monday, October 7, 2013

Zombies hate rain.


Lots and lots of rain.

Then quiet.

Benny says it might have been a hurricane. Zombies hate the rain. They are like deer, they find a sheltered place and stay there until its over.

During the heavy downpour, day three, we decided it was safe to [quietly] reside in my living quarters of the apartment since the rain would muffle us anyway. We were able to peek through the blinds and see only one visible zombie. It is possible he squeezed under the gate or got pushed over the top. In a herd its just like a mob of angry people. Some shamblers get pushed into crowd surfing or trambled into immobility.

We were all so happy to be out of that stinky attic. With the two bedrooms and two full baths and a decent sized laundry room-- we were grateful to be out of each other's space.
This morning we awoke to a clear sky, crisp air and moans and groans that seemed right at the door. Luckily I had put the chicken and barbed wire to make going up the stairs almost impossible for the walkers to get up here. We had reinforced it before hiding in the attic. You can never be too careful. We peeked through the window and saw four zombies scratching the air in our direction. The air had cleared and our subtle noises of being awake had drawn them to us. We hd added two more "hurtles" to the staircase. The one closest to the top was the tallest and would have to be removed at least partially before if we were to melee the zombies who were actively drawing more attention to us. One was at the bottom hurtle and the others were at the second.

After some debate we decided to take them out by arrows, at a distance, instead of breaking down our last defenses. We also hope that the stench will mask us now that the air is so clean. One shambler is happenstance, four is a break in the gate or surrounding fences.

The biggest stretch of wooden fence is directly behind my dwelling but we can only see so much within the stairs/building. The metal gate is least likely where the breech happened. We still have a lot of sunlight so within the hour we are finding a way to recon without removing the hurdles on the stairs. The previous owners lack mountain climbing gear but we are thinking of just scaling around the larger hurtle and doing the rug climb over the rest. Leaving isn't the issue.... its a quick return we are worrying about.

I have volunteered myself for the recon and Oliver wants to join me. I think we will just have to do the slow decent and if need be retreat to another building to draw the dead away from the living. It helps that Oliver and I trust each other and we work well as a team. John wants to come too but I don't think this is a job for big numbers just yet. If we have to reclaim the entire complex it will be easier with more people later. This is part suicide mission, part territory dependence. We have a home here.

We will not give it up so easily.

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